Diocese of Hong Kong IslandDiocese of Hong Kong Island   Hong Kong Sheng Kung HuiHong Kong Sheng Kung Hui   St. John's Cathedral, Hong KongSt. John's Cathedral, Hong Kong

Who's Who

Who's Who - 2021


Bishop of Hong Kong Island Diocese

The Rt Revd Matthias Der

Dean of St John’s Cathedral

The Very Revd KK Chan

Priest-in-Charge of St Stephen’s Chapel

The Revd Will Newman

Chapel Wardens

Phoebe Poon 

Julian Lyden

Treasurer & Stewardship

Olivia Choi

Chapel Administrator


Cathedral Council

Marlon Sanchez

Fair Trade     

Elaine Chan

Music Director

Elizabeth Coupe


Jessie Lau and Henry Wheare


Boroka and Lisel Varley


Kam Wing Pang

Social Events

Elaine Chan

Sunday School

Stacey Lowe

Chapel Committee

Julian Lyden, Olivia Choi, Elaine Chan, Liz Coupe, Phoebe Poon, Henry Yung, Naomi Weir, Stacey Lowe, Lisel Varley, Julian Stargardt, Neil Burnett.