Diocese of Hong Kong IslandDiocese of Hong Kong Island   Hong Kong Sheng Kung HuiHong Kong Sheng Kung Hui   St. John's Cathedral, Hong KongSt. John's Cathedral, Hong Kong

Sunday morning chapel duties

Volunteering on Sundays

Welcomers– arrive 20 minutes early, prepare the hymn books, pew sheets (provided), music sheets and order of service. Ensure the sound system is on and working. Greet people with warmth, make them feel welcome and guide people to unoccupied pew spaces when seating is limited. Use the clicker to count the number of congregants (including children) for record after the service. (Tell Will or the Wardens). Tidy away the books at the end of the service and check no belongings have been left in the pews.

Altar Servers – carry the cross and assist the priest at the altar. Training given by the Head Server and organised by Will.

Readers – read the bible readings. The reading will be sent by email in advance.

Intercessions – lead the prayers, reflecting the concerns of the community.

Offertory – 2 people take the bread and wine to the altar at the start of the 3rd hymn, also called the Offertory Hymn. Bread to the Priest and wine to the server.

Refreshments – St Stephen's is famous for the quality of our refreshments after church! Home-made or shop bought, sweet or savoury, whatever you bring will be greatly appreciated. Please also bring 2 cartons of milk for tea & coffee (tea and coffee are provided).

 Flowers – you’re welcome to order a display from the florist on the roundabout by Stanley Market, and they will deliver it to church on Sunday morning. You’re equally welcome to arrange your own display. No flowers during Lent and Advent.

 Sunday School and Creche – new volunteers are needed please! You can start by sitting in on someone else’s class and seeing how it goes. Talk with Stacey, our Sunday School Leader.